This year, at the 2024 BC Provincial RJ Symposium (2024 PRJS), attendees had the opportunity to celebrate and hear from Alicia Adole, a young leader in her community who is passionate and committed to amplifying the voices of minority groups, and inspiring and promoting inclusion through storytelling.

Alicia is the recipient of the 2024 Junior Black Achievement Awards (JrBAA) essay writing contest and scholarship which focused on the topic of restorative justice this year. In her winning essay, Alicia wrote about how restorative justice practices can contribute to building stronger and more resilient communities, and that “by focusing on rehabilitation, accountability, and reintegration rather than purely punitive measures, restorative justice paves the way for a more compassionate and effective approach to addressing harm and promoting social harmony”. Alicia also received the following 2024 JrBAA Excellence and Elegance Awards:

  • Community Initiative Award
  • Academic & Virtual Arts
  • Academic & Performing Arts

We at RJABC are a proud partner of the JrBAA, an organization that empower Black youth and their families through training, recognition, and access to education.

Read  more of Alicia’s essay and watch her speech at the 2024 PRJS.

Essay Writing Competition