Hiring – Regional Restorative Justice Trainers

RJABC is seeking restorative justice trainers to support RJABC's foundational training initiative. The initiative aims to design and provide a foundational restorative justice training grounded in a principled approach, recommended best practices, and research-based evidence. The purpose of the foundational training initiative is to respond to the disparity of access to training for RJ programs and to address the need for developing and progressing a restorative justice approach that is victim-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive. The restorative justice regional trainers will receive training on the delivery of the foundational RJ training curriculum and deliver training in their respective regions.

Our Vision

RJABC envisions a province where restorative justice is known for quality, accessibility and innovation.

Our Values

Our Acknowledgement

The Restorative Justice Association of BC (RJABC) aims to promote connection, collaboration, and unity among restorative and Indigenous justice programs and initiatives throughout the province of British Columbia. Restorative justice has been shaped by traditional ways of knowing and the practices of Indigenous nations in this province, which we recognize and humbly acknowledge as a colonially defined area of land that forcefully superseded the traditional territories and relationships of at least 198 Indigenous Nations. Despite passing its Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act in November 2019, BC still has a long way to go before reconciliation is achieved. RJABC is ever mindful that we continue to live and work in unceded territories, and is committed to respecting the autonomy, dignity, and rights of Indigenous peoples.