BC is host to a variety of restorative justice training services. While some organizations offer internal certification and credentialing processes, there are no universal training standards or accreditation for RJ trainers or trainees in BC. Please read below for a list of organizations that identify as offering restorative justice training. If you wish to be listed as a trainer on this resource page, please contact us. This list is not exhaustive and should not be regarded as a recommendation of the service provided. RJABC does not endorse any specific trainer or training organization. We have provided a list of questions which may be considered in determining the best fit for your training needs.
Terms of Use
If you choose to use any of these training services, you agree:
- To assume any and all risks involved in the selection of the training arrangement,
- That RJ ABC staff and the Board of Directors are not responsible for the choice of training, and,
- That staff and the Board of Directors of the RJ ABC are excluded from any and all liability for negligence arising in connection with the resource list provided.
Organizations Offering Restorative Justice Training in BC
Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute
Fraser Region Community Justice Initiatives Association
Hummingbird Innovations, Alana Abramson | 250 879 0998 | alana.abramson@kpu.ca
Questions to Consider
There are many different ways restorative justice is understood and practiced in BC. Programs and individuals are encouraged to find out the philosophy and practice of trainers and find the right fit for their needs. Here are questions (there are certainly more) you can ask yourself, and people and organizations that offer restorative justice training.