Dear RJABC Members and Affiliates:
The Restorative Justice Association of BC (RJABC) Board of Directors recognize that many of you, your families and communities are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We hope you and your families remain safe by finding healthy ways to physically and respectfully distance yourselves from others to help flatten the curve.
We recognize there has been a lot of information from various sources with directives and information related to COVID-19 and the situation changes often. The following links provide up-to-date information on protecting yourself and staying safe:
- BC Centre for Disease Control—
- Government of Canada COVID Information — and the COVID-19 Information Line at 1-833-784-4397
- World Health Organization—
Additionally, the following links provide resources to assist individuals in maintaining their well-being during stressful times:
- Canadian Mental Health Association –
- Centre for Addition and Mental Health –
- Anxiety Canada –
Please practice physical and emotional safety during these difficult and uncertain times. Find creative ways to reach out to each other virtually, and consider communications with your existing support networks electronically or via phone.
We will be holding ‘online dialogue circles’ via Zoom in the next weeks. Dates and times will be announced shortly. We hope these online spaces can offer us some support and connection during these days of isolation and social distancing. We look forward to connecting with you very soon with the goal of supporting you, your RJ work, and your communities.
Take care and be well,
The RJABC Board of Directors
Restorative Justice Association of British Columbia